
Entry (1/3)1  silaka
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Potika, sombina, vaky, tapaka [1.1]
4  Triatra, na vaky: Silaka ny nifiko [1.1]
5  Menatra: Silaka aho notenenin' ny lehibe teo imason' ny mpiara-miasa [1.1]

Entry (2/3)6  silaka
Part of speech  7  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  8  Hazo na vy asisika eo amin' ny hazo efa natomboka hotsofaina mba tsy hanery ny tsofa, na tsofoka eo anelanelan' ny vato ka velezina mba hahavaky ilay vato [1.1]
9  Ny potiny na sombiny avy amin' ny zavatra novakina na vaky: Sila-mofo [1.1]
10  Sombiny [1.13]
Explanations in English  11  A splinter, a small piece split off [1.7]
Explanations in French  12  éclat de bois, pierre qui s'écaille ou se sépare [1.8]
Examples  13  Samy mitana (mihazona) silaka voankena tsirairay ireo. [2.245#]
14  Izy ireo no tena foko feno fa ny sisa toa silaka foko ihany avokoa na ambiny aza. [2.606#]
15  Active verbs :
16  Passive verbs :
17  Relative verbs :
18  Nouns :
19  Adjectives :
Compound words 

Entry (3/3)22  silaka
Part of speech  23  noun
Vocabulary  24  Mathematics
Explanations in French  25  Partie: Silaka tontolon'i X = E [n] (Partie de X = E [n]) [1.13]
Compound words 

Anagrams  29  salika, sikala, silaka

Updated on 2023/10/08